Recently, there was a case where the landlord and management failed to comply with the health and safety for their tenants and was not responding to rectify the situation.
Two Auckland tenants, constantly ask for solutions and repairs from their landlords because of their house sewage leaks. However, due to the landlord's negligence and poor management, tenants endured the unpleasant smell of sewage leaks for months.
The tribunal found that the landlord failed to provide and maintain the property in a reasonable state of repair and ruled that the act was intentional.
The tribunal ordered the landlord to compensate more than $6000 to the tenants.
This is the case where not only the owner was not responding to the situation but the management company took no further step to improve the state of the house in order to meet the healthy home standards either.
This case shows, if the management was doing the right job, this may have not turned out to this fine for the owners. We are also responsible for the benefit of the owners as well as tenants.
东寻求解决方案和维修。 由于房东的疏忽和管理不善,租户忍受了数月来污
水泄漏的难闻气味。 仲裁庭认定,房东未能在合理的维修状态下提供和维护
财产,并裁定该行为是故意的。 仲裁庭命令房东向房客赔偿 6000 多元。
